April 14, 2011

The Land of Brave and Free

Hi guys! I've been a bad blogger and had somewhat of a blogspot withdrawal. I don't know why, but I haven't been inspired to post. My best guess, it's due to this weather. It rains almost every day here; crazy winds and gray skies... So depressing, I'm telling you.
But I had a nice and exciting trip to Washington DC last weekend and it gave me sort of a push/kick to cheer up.
Now, on my trip there I did not see the president, unfortunately;)
But I did visit all the tourist spots;)
And blooming cherry blossom was everywhere! It was very beautiful.

I was the photographer on the trip. It's very strange but I am so used to my bf taking my pictures that I hardly ever let anyone else take pictures of me. It's pretty snobby of me, but I think he does the best job and I just don't feel like posing/smiling for anyone else. I'm a snob... and this needs to change


  1. Girl, it's raining in USA too but at least you have some flowers and leaves on the trees and in Poland still big nothing like the spring didn't come... Well, it was quite warm for few days but now... Hmm 7C crappy rain and in the mountains some snow...

  2. so I've missed more than one of your posts, sorry I've barely had time to post myself now even less to check out the new posts. That leather jackets is one of my fave!! and you a snob!? no way, you look to sweet!


"Will Blog For Comments" :)