Paula Patton as Billie Holiday.

Hayden Panettiere as Amelia Earhart.

Emma Stones as Carrie Bradshaw ( not really in US history but I guess in US fashion history?!).

Emma Roberts as Audrey Hepburn.

Elisha Cuthbert as Brandi Chastain.

Chanel Iman as Althea Gibson.

Camila Belle as Mary Tyler Moore.

Alicia Keys as Michelle Obama.

My favorite of them all - Alexis Bledel as Rosie the Riverter.
Glamour magazine did this article on glamorous women in US history. I think it's adorable!
i saw this pics bfore on the aim homepage or something...but they didnt show them all! they are very nice...really liked the one of audrey hepburn, michelle obama n alex bledel ;)
Alex bledel is my most favorite!